Question specifically for pointcrawl campaign maps; how do you handle "secret locations"? Do you mark them on the overland map in a different way or add a note to an existing node saying "Oh, yeah, there's a secret location, here"?

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I'll mark them on nodes! Either describing them as secret in my notes or using a dotted line to indicate a secret path. I tend not to use secret locations all that much so didn't address that here!

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I see! Thank you for the answer.

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Yep, very solid timekeeping, reminds me of Mausritter (rolling for encounter on "dungeon turn 3") -- I'm working on something similar right now. But the ascending dice by level is a particularly elegant edition! Great series you're writing.

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Thank you so much! Mausritter was an inspiration for sure! It’s one of my favourite NSR games. Glad you like the ascending dice, I’m a little bit proud of it (hehe). Be sure to send what you’re working on my way when it’s out!

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Jun 17Liked by Murkdice

Do you show the players the map? I'm planning to use your posts here to make and run a simple pointcrawl dungeon on Friday, and that's my main question. If so, do you reveal the map to them one point at a time? And if not, do your players feel "lost" playing through a large complex without a visual aid?

(To date, I've only run Dyson Logos style representational maps.)

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Great question! I haven’t addressed this because it’s often so table specific. At my table, I don’t give my players the map, they make their own version as they go. It works very well, it’s actually easier for them to map in some sense because they are just noting rooms and connections, rather than trying to make a detailed map. You could absolutely reveal the map as you went though. Also, let me know how that session you have planned goes!

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