I like your proposal! It makes me think I should also publish some of the add-ons I made up for VI·VIII·X KUP RPG... This comes to my mind as I did smtg similar about effects from serious wounds (and even other options)...

May the fun be always at your table!

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Interesting ideas! One thing that could spice things up rather than a full tax on players is that people function better under (some) stress. It improves our memory, workrate, etc. For sure too much or unrelieved stress is where the pain points start kicking in hard. Free League's Alien RPG gave this a nod with the first group of stress results having minimal issue while giving the player more dice to try and complete tasks. This gave the player a boon before the inevitable weeping in the corner and abject horror slithers in.

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This is a neat idea, maybe rewarding characters for passing the check with a table of benefits instead!

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Excellent! This is really good.

I’ve thought about the repercussions and fallout of life altering situations and circumstances in game play and how to address them after the fact. This helps work through that process even more. Something I need to fine tune as it can add a layer of depth and challenge usually slipped over. Keen insights and thoughts as always!! Appreciate it!

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Sounds great! Always happy to hear my ideas are helpful!

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I love this idea.

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